Thoughts from Lori +, April 16, 2014

Apr 16, 2014


Why do we do this year after year? Not just Easter, but this whole Holy Week thing. We already know how the story turns out, so why rehash it? Why do this over and over again? Well, in fact, there is a good reason. It’s all about memory, re-membering. It’s about imprinting; about making such things – presumable things that we hold dearly – part of our DNA, so to speak. We do these things over and over again precisely because we need to.


Every now and then, someone criticizes liturgical churches for using the same prayers, the same service, week after week. Shouldn’t worship be spontaneous? Or so goes the criticism. Here is one of the best responses to that question that I’ve heard yet:


“The liturgy of the Divine Service is drawn from the Bible and it has been composed in a way that reflects the faith of the catholic (universal) and apostolic Church. It is the Bible believed and understood correctly. The liturgy teaches us these things, and it does so by exposing us to these truths every week. There is an old saying that ‘repetition is the mother of learning.’ The repetition of hearing and singing the words of the liturgy each week teaches us the catholic and apostolic faith, and shapes and forms the way we think about the faith. This is a process that begins with the smallest child and continues all throughout our life. It is not a process that ever ends or is finished because the words and phrases, movements and actions of the liturgy invite ever deeper understanding as we grow and mature as Christians.” [This was written by Mark Surburg on his blog post called “Surburg’s Blog” ( I urge you to look up this site and read his whole article.]


“Repetition is the mother of learning.” I love that! How easily we forget the value of repetition in this age of instant information. We need, truly need to do some things over and over again. Holy Week and Easter – and for that matter, our weekly worship – are just such things. At least, that’s my take on it. If it’s yours, too, I’ll look forward to seeing you this week. The Great Three Days known as the Triduum begins Thursday, sometimes referred to as “one service with two long intermissions.” Here’s the line-up:




Agape Meal, Foot Washing, Eucharist and the Stripping of the Altar




Stations of the Cross



Mass of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts




at St. Ann’s, Woodstock

The Great Vigil and First Eucharist of Easter





Feast of the Resurrection

followed by a festive reception


Wherever you are and whatever your circumstances, may this coming Easter Season remind you of the Real Presence of Jesus in your life.


God bless…

Love God. Love Your Neighbor.

Change the World.

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